More Mouse Mishaps (Madness!)

This is almost getting to the point that this is a mouse review site or something... seriously, I must have tainted hands, because my MS mouse died again! So I sided with the unholy maker again because of a very tempting $30 mail in rebate. I ordered it from NewEgg right before I left for falls creek and it got here while I was gone. Well, the package arrived, and since I just got home today I only just opened it. Turns out, somebody else had opened it before NewEgg sent it to me! So I didn't install it ... I have no idea why someone else returned it, but I'm not willing to risk it was just because they didn't like it... there are too many manufacturing defects that could be slow to reveal themselves with mice to take the chance; even when they manifested themselves quickly to the previous buyer.

I've emailed NewEgg to see if they can rectify the problem. I'm sure given my previous outstanding experience with their customer service that things will go well.

Falls Creek ... I'm sure I'll write my usual book and a half, but not yet. This much I can say though... it was different this year; I realize that sounds kind of obvious ... but it was different in non-obvious ways. I'll have more on that after our morning service tomorrow.

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